- Looking for a book group in your neighbourhood?
Nearly 1,300 book groups around New Zealand use the WEA Book Discussion Scheme’s (BDS) service, borrowing books and discussion notes for their monthly book club meetings. If you like the idea of a book club where everyone reads the same book, here’s how to find a BDS book group to join:
Go to www.bds.org.nz/join. This takes you to an online map marked with all the BDS book groups currently looking for new members. Click/tap on each listing to read more about each group and to open a contact box that will send a message directly to the group’s coordinator.
No groups in your area? Leave your own message so that others can contact you. Starting a new book group is a great way to meet new people.
Questions? If you need help or would like more information on joining or starting a book group, contact the friendly team at BDS: bds@bds.org.nz | 03 365 6210